
Science!!!!! :)

Friday, September 10, 2010

Animal Survival Video

I learned a lot about what animals do to survive when we watched that video.  Animals such as hawks develop good eyesight in order to see the tiny movements of mice and moles many feet below.  Some creatures, like foxes, evolve into fast runners, and are able to catch and devour fast runners like rabbits.  Flowers produce pleasant odors and bright colors in order to attract bees and butterflies to pollinate them.  Opossums will play dead when caught.  Some animals have camouflage, which helps them keep hidden from predators and prey.  The puffer fish has it's own method of self-defense.  When it gets caught, it suddenly puffs up, and spikes stick out, an un-appetizing meal.  Different types of insects like the hover-fly, who are really harmless, use mimicry, and look like a more dangerous but like a wasp.  In doing this, they can try to scare enemies away.

During hunting, predators like lions and hawks hunt in groups.  This increases their chance of catching the prey, as one or two can distract while the other comes in from behind to make the kill.  Some animals trick their prey by playing dead---bringing scavengers, which can be eaten when they get close.  The Venus Fly Trap smells awful, like rotting food---which attracts flies, which they can eat.  Some, like the snapping turtle and angler fish attract prey to them with fake bait.

So there are lots of different ways that animals can hide from predators, and predators can trick prey to come closer. I found this awesome video about angler fish, that I watched on our movie, planet Earth-the deep sea, when I was sick, and I found a small piece of it on youtube, so here---I'm going to post it, because it's REALLY COOL!!!!http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UXl8F-eIoiM

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